Monday, February 18, 2013

Evernote Cal Poly Hackathon

My team of three was given 24 hours to imagine, design, and develop a mobile app for the first ever Evernote Cal Poly Hackathon competition. The app, Job Quest, allows you to input your skill sets and criteria for a job, and then it notifies you using GPS coordinates whenever a job that matches your description is in your radius. 

For more information on this app look to the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. You'll receive a message telling you "We found you a job!" and once opened this app will show you what the establishment is, where it is located on a map, and the job title. You can instantly save the job to a favorites list (My Jobs) and look up more information about their open positions through the link to their website.
    In addition, message alerts will be sent periodically to notify the user that they have recently saved a job so that they are reminded to follow up by contacting the company. This keeps you organized and on track for success.
    Once a job is viewed from the initial message, it can either be ignored, saved, or discarded as "not wanted." This feature will prevent that specific job opportunity from reappearing everyday. That could trigger annoyance for the user

    Job Quest even syncs with Evernote in order to take notes about interviews you had with certain companies or store information about the job description.
    We envisioned this app being useful in regards to Evernote in several ways. One being for college students to log and save companies information based off their personal experience. Through career fairs many companies meet with students and everyone wants to be remembered; this is how they can stand out! By uploading a company's representative's name, a student could appear very professional when a year later they can recall the representative and key themes about the conversation. Also, with the document uploading feature, a student could keep track of different resume and cover letter versions as they catered to different types of companies. So, in the future if they apply for a similar company they know exactly where to find the document and to what company it was to so they can reference it and track their professional career history. Welcome to the modern world of organized professionalism!

    Many features can be altered by the user to better fit their desires and needs. They can set up how big the radius will be that locates employment options. Also, they can set up how many days after the job was added to "My Jobs" that the app will remind the user of the opportunity and also how frequently it will continue to remind.

    By providing this app, we will help the user to Remember Everything!
